Jumat, 06 Mei 2011


Asia’s Challenge 2020
Food, Water, or Industry
Siti Jamaliah
May 28,1991
Indonesian’s College Student

The increasing of world’s population, especially in Asia has affected their needs in food, water and also jobs which is dominated by the industry. In order for them to get enough food and water, they needed money that can only be earned by working. The most favored and suitable works for this era were industrial works. However, the increasing establishment of factory or industrial field would narrow the land that should be used for food producing (farming). The same thing goes to water because the establishment of factories would produce a lot of wastes.
The amount of food in Asia is decreasing. It can be seen from many countries in Asia, especially in South-East like Indonesia. Indonesia is food importer (such as rice, meal and milk from Australia). This is one of the effects from the reduction even swapped function of the fields (source: Kompas.com Sat, 7th November 2009| 05:25 am).    The scarcity of the foods automatically raised the price. As a result, lower middle class economic people cannot afford what will affect the quality of their health.  Regarding of this issue, in this source, Martin Gibson, Stewardship Director CorpLife Asia Martin Gibson, also added that the increase in the level of mal nutrition and food security threats can occur in conditions like this, considering that more than 2 billion of world population consumes 50 percent of rice to meet their calorie needs.
In essence, the more agricultural land area cultivated for food, more water is needed. Is then becomes the companion issue of the impact, is no less important. As the authors convey in the first paragraph, the existence of water and water resources due to the fewer and narrower impact of plant construction - which many industrial plants are not environmentally sound. This situation, which tends to cause the traditional farmers using land area for farming difficulty getting the water that would cause their products were reduced or even disappear altogether. Not only that, the community needs for clean water will be disturbed by this situation. If we see, in this short time, more companies - commercial companies that sell clean water. This shows that clean water and proper consumption is increasingly rare, so to get even require quite a substantial amount of money. For the poor, of course, this is a beban.Erna Witoelar, UN Special Ambassador for MDGs in Asia Pacific, the Second Conference of the Asian Development Bank Water Week, in Manila, Tuesday (27 / 1) says that the Asian crisis in terms of water included into the worst category. This is because the high growth Asian economies to be borne by the pressures on the environmental risks caused by industrial pollution.
To overcome this, development of technology for badly needed food. This will greatly help the farmers increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their agricultural land.   So, hopefully they can meet the food needs of society, at least in domestic. However, despite the presence of food technology that can minimize water using, remains the preservation of water resources should remain very concerned. Given these facts that have been the author mentioned above, the existence of water resources in Asia, are very important. Until now the developed country like Japan still use most of their water reserves for agriculture. It means, although high technology could minimize the water’s using, we need good water resources to keep the food producing. Many fish and underwater’s living dead because of water contamination. It effect too the problem of human needs, especially in foods.  The effect of it which occurred because of it have explained back in the first explanation, malnutrition.
However, pollution arising from industrial activities in fact were even more numerous and more harmful. Should have the intelligence of environmentally sound industrial technologies (ie, preserving water resources and food following biotanya within the scope of its environment) must continue to be developed. Only a balance between technological advancement and environmental preservation can be created. Do not let our desire to maintain the authenticity of the environment makes our creativity and responsiveness to technology becomes blocked, it industrilah technological progress should be a tool that can maintain and can create more beautiful and clean environment as well as life and fulfillment of human needs is more assured.


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